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Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Rendang hijau daging dan kacang panjang

rendang hidanganku di hari ini-hadiah buat suami tersayang

bahan-bahannya :
1/4 kg daging 
5 batang kacang panjang
semangkuk santan
bunga lawang
kulit kayu manis
asam keping
nise (gula org kelantan) atau gula 
daun kunyit (hiris halus-jgn halus sgt kang jadik bunga rampai lak)

bahan kisar :
2 cili hijau
cili padi hijau ikut suka berapa nak
sedikit kunyit
seinci halia
seinci lengkuas
5 ulas bawang merah
sedikit ketumbar
sedikit jintan manis

cara-caranya ialah :
tumis bahan kisar, kulit kayu manis, bunga lawang hingga garing
masukkan daging
gaul dan masak hingga sebati
masukkan sedikit air dan masak lagi hingga daging empuk
masukkan kacang panjang, santan dan kerisik
kacau hingga tangan lenguh hehehe.....
campak lak asam keping
pastuh kacau sampai ikut suka lah nak pekat mana kuahnya-kering ke atau sedikit berkuah
masukkan daun kunyit yang dihiris tu, kacau lagi dan lagi.. hehhe
perasakan dengan garam dan nise atau gula

tips : nak best lagi sangai (goreng tanpa minyak) dulu ketumbar dan jintan tuh. santan kalau boleh bahagi dua, pekat dan cair. masukkan yang cair dulu bila dah agak mendidih masukkan pula yang pekat. pastuh kalau daging tu nak diperap dulu separuh dengan bahan kisar pun boleh.. pepandai lah ye.. saya stok malas nyer.. hehe. semoga menjadik!!!

Monday, April 26, 2010

lauk apa hari ini?

am not that good at cooking. mmg langsung tak pandai. tak biasa di dapur. tapi ni antara masakan for dinner hari ni. kebetulan lak dpt beli ketam semlm. apa lagik, goreng tempe, buat sambal tempoyak kacau dan masak lauk gulai lemak cilipadi ketam. lauk ni sedap dimakan depan tv. taking own sweet time ratah ketam. best ooo.... saya kureng sket makan bende pelik2 cam ketam ke ikan terubuk ke kat kedai. sebab rasa tak selesa takleh buat aksi aksi ganas time makan dan tak puas rasanya. tapi kalau kat rumah tu, heheheheh mcm2 aksi muka leh nampak. pendek kata kalau dpt gambo candid, adoiiiii malunya aii.. tapi best dan nikmat. MR HUBBY siap cicah ngan roti gulai lemak nieh. alhamdulillah la dia suka. tak sia sia masak. eheheh

Friday, April 23, 2010

jom tgk sindo!!

it's makyong time! am now on my way to aswara with Mr Hubby and a few students to ASWARA. tonite is the first night for makyong SINDO show! lalala....hepi

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

kadangkala kita tidak tahu tahap sabar kita

hmmm.... skrg ni aku rasa stressed dengan pelbagai masalah. mungkin itu yang mendorong aku menulis post nieh. kadangkala kita tidak tahu tahap sabar yang ada pada diri kita. sehinggalah kita mengalami pelbagai ujian dari Allah. rupa-rupanya sabar kita sudah mencapai tahap supernova, dan kita sentiasa ingat bahawa Allah tidak akan menguji hambanya jika Dia tahu hambanya tidak mampu mengatasi masalah yang dihadapi. kadangkala di waktu-waktu inilah iman kita mudah tercabar. kita mudah mempersoalkan apa yang terjadi. risau di hati takut itu akan menjadikan kita murtad kerana tidak percayakan Qada dan Qadar. Ya Allah, kau kuatkanlah hati hambamu. mungkin ini balasan dosa dosa yang kita lakukan. Allah sayangkan hambanya. ini kita akan sedar kadangkala kita ingatkan diri kita sudah jauh, rupa rupanya masih ada cahaya di sebalik segala yang terjadi ini. untuk melaluinya, kita akan rasa bende bende ini amatlah mustahil. tapi lama kelamaan percayalah, segalanya akan bertambah baik. namun kita kena melaluinya, bukan melarikan diri darinya.

Sunday, April 11, 2010

really wonder more about lady gaga's fashion style?

yupp.. Her real name is Stefani Joanne Germanotta. She's insane. she's bold. she dares to be different. wayyyyyyy different than any other celebs infact. she's totally original. she challenges taboos, traditions and values. BUT, she's talented. she's modern. she might be a trend setter (just like gwen), except for the outrageous headgears. and her songs are awesome. ppl been whistling her bad romance, poker face and paparazzi evrywhere. like EVERYWHERE. and not to mention her videos and her crazy fashion ideas. ppl just watch lady gaga now. ever wonder who her stylish is..or was? hmmm

1. alexander McQueen - this is her favourite designer. the late British fashion icon was known for his crazy fashion senses. check out his website at . besides him, Marko Mitanovski, armani have also worked with her.
2. she sometimes design her own dresses (if you can call those dresses)
3. there are rumours that she might work with donatella versace in the near future. yupp. the one that designed the famous safety-pin dress for elizabeth hurley and Jlo's green dress.

here are some of pics of lady gaga in style.

kecewa dgn teater Laksamana Do Re Mi

semlm pegi tgk bangsawan seri resam Darul ehsan di Panggung Bandaraya. teater komedi bertajuk Laksamana Do Re Mi karya asal P Ramlee itu telah diberi nafas baru. pada tahun lepas kumpulan teater yang sama telah membawa naskah Semerah Padi, juga adaptasi dr tajuk filem terkenal Allahyarham P Ramlee. 
namun apa yang agak mengecewakan adalah :
1. jalan cerita yang agak membosankan . saya tak pernah rasa mengantuk semasa menonton teater tetapi kali ini, pada teater Matinee (jam 3 petang) saya terasa agak mengantuk. 
2. terlalu ramai watak ataupun karakter lelaki yang menyerupai perempuan. apakah tiada cara lain untuk menjadikan jalan cerita itu menarik dari mengetengahkan karakter lelaki berpakaian perempuan. 
3. persembahan yang menjelikkan. persembahan tarian tradisional yang kasar, dan persembahan tarian moden yang agak seksi. dr segi tarian yang ditonjolkn, penari2 terlampau banyak bergelek dan ada ketikanya gelek itu memualkan. malah saya ada membawa beberapa pelajar yang tutup muka sebab tidak mahu menonton tarian tersebut. oh ya, dan beberapa penari lelaki memang terlalu 'lembut' sampai budak saya kata 'lelaki dah macam perempuan. geli lah cikgu'. adoiiii malunya saya membawa mereka menonton cerita ini. lupakah mereka kanak-kanak akan ramai menonton teater komedi ini? 

namun, ada juga plus points untuk teater ini:
1. tahniah pada watak Do Re Mi kerana mereka bertiga memang betul-betul well.. hmm kelakar. tahniah pd Man Belon kerana kami tidak jemu-jemu melihat lagaknya dan bahasa badannya. tiada watak yang bertiga ini, maka teater tersebut sudah tentu sangat gagal di mata saya
2. ada ketikanya aksi-aksi di dalam cerita itu memang kelakar contohnya sewaktu buluh runcing diberi
3. effect yang hebat- dengan smoke machine, bantuan dr segi kostum, setting dan lain-lain. 

apa-apapun saya sangat berharap pelajar pelajar saya akan terus menonton teater. 

Thursday, April 8, 2010

catatan si obese 6

ingatkan dpt la buat keje lain tahun nieh.. tup tup kena wat lagik thn nieh... adoiiiiiiiiiii ...anyway back to my diet prog. i managed to have a small piece of choc cake today... hahaha.... tempted. what to do? yabedabedu hehehe

breakfast : one tuna wholemeal sandwich and peel fresh drink
lunch : a bowl of assam laksa
tea : a small piece of choc cake, iced tea
dinner (before 6) : rice with soup and fried chicken drumstick.. yummm

exercise ?: sit ups morning and nite (50 times per day)

adoi la hidupku

bosan. stressed. tension. letih. malas. lapar!!!

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

catatan si obese 5

penatnya br balik training tarian. just got back from my dance class. but surprisingly, i feel well.. hmm lighter. coz i could do 2 dance routines today! hahaha.... hmmm today i didn;t  eat much... just some rice with tomyam and fried chicken (couldn't resist the temptation...and well, no choice anyway at the school canteen). just a quarter of rice. and iced nescafe, and for lunch, iced tea with two small packets of peanuts. yup full till now. (5.15p.m) still not hungry. perhaps because i've been exercising. and yeah for dinner, i might just grab one apple and drink my anlene. MIGHT!  ...heheh nothing much to describe. i think i'm getting more comfy with the diet programme. perhaps because i am always cautious with whatever i eat. though i still eat carbs and well. some oily food, couldnt stay away totally just yet, i make sure i dont eat much and try to snack with fruits or just drink plain water if i am that hungry.

Saturday, April 3, 2010

tickets for concerts in KL this April!!!

nak beli tickets ni sumer- please go to okay.... i myself am very interested in those concerts but well... too expensive-lah!

catatan si obese 4

the view of Kuala Lumpur from my neighbourhood lookout point in Taman Bukit Permai
me early in the monink
me...alamak...the redness!! hehe...hmmm jap lagi nak naik bukit nieh adoiii
yeah i know... need to get rid of those ergh......jogging early in the morning and ended up singgah my poco-poco class... feel lucky coz the community here loves to do a poco2. will post the pics next week okay.. and i love the class so much.. been learning the steps -poco-poco Thai, poco-poco Rock, Arabian best!!! can't wait for another sunday!

p/s : balik rumah..jemur baju yg masuk washing machine sebelum keluar rumah pagi tadi and teguk my anlene.. that's all for breakfast. bila dah senam, tak larat le plak nak makan berat2.. bagus jugak ek... heheh... lunch? no idea yet.. something for a lazy sunday i guess... nak masak ke? malasnyaaaa.....most probably buat meatball soup je kot... meatballs ada lagik..for dinner, something that i can eat without going out of my house

nursery rhymes sing-along

hey...what's your fav nursery rhymes. i just taught my students my fav that is BINGO. remember the song? well here's a clip of it

and another good oldie song that i love is Obladi Oblada by the is the original song

yesss. some of you might know the song from the tv drama in the 1980s. i love the show and it reminds me of my childhood years

Friday, April 2, 2010

catatan si obese 3

hmm.. today even if i dont feel like doing it, i have to work out. i ate nasi lemak which according to , contains : Carbs 232.8, Fat 117.9, Protein 38.8. yes! i'm definitely in big trouble. thanx to English in Camp. (i need to put the blame on somebody or something right?) so what am i supposed to do now that i know i have failed my diet prog for today? well, here's my plan :

1. at 5, i will go out and walk down and up the Bukit Permai hill. on my way up, i would definitely take some time watching the view of KL from the lookout point. i will post some pics later. yup.. i need to show u the evidence right? 
2. no lunch. i had to skip my lunch and surprisingly, am still full (now is 3.15 p.m)
3. dinner? what dinner?. my anlene again. i regard anlene somehow as my life saviour coz i find it pretty filling and plus the high calcium helps my body a lot too. 

okay... now i need to do some housechores as well.... and i'm watching youtube videos for simple exercises that i can do while being a couch potato... lalala

catatan si obese 3

my diet was being sabotaged!!! hheheh... this evening i really need to work out.i have eaten nasi lemak which is according to , it contains 232.8 of carbs, 117.9 of fat and 38.8 of protein!!!arghhhhhhh... i'm having a problem. all this is due to the food prepared for teachers during the English in Camp today.. hmmmm so my plan is :

1. walk around the neighbourhood and watch the great view of KL. i stay in Bukit Permai which there is a KL lookout point near my house. 

catatan si obese 2

hari kedua - lapar... early morning i was so hungry that when i had my brunch at 10, my pinggan was so licin sampai my colleague perli. i need to buy fruits for snacking lah. hmmm so far so good... my meal for today :

breakfast + brunch = small amount of rice with ikan keli (a bit oily lah choice at the canteen)
snack = one banana
tea = iced tea (still have problems getting rid of ice)
dinner = a glass of anlene and one slice of bread (before 7.30 p.m)

exercise ? = dance training today-jogging? tak leh cik abg ada rumah today hehehe

Thursday, April 1, 2010

calorie counter

giler lah.. i've checked my weight and the calorie counter says that i have to lose 1760 calories per day... and climbing stairs for one hour per day pun baru 780 calories.... mamposssssssssss

Catatan si obese 1

hmmm so my Biggest Loser programme has started. and today is my first day..  yay!! well... i'm planning to loose at least 2kilos this month. hopefully my diet plan works.i'm planning to take up dance classes again next year so i have to stick to my diet or else i will have problems bending my body and working out the dance routine. hmmmm i have not started exercising yet. planned to jog around my neighbourhood but it seems to rain almost everyday here in Ampang so i guess i have to change the exercising part to doing housechores instead. (it's not an excuse rained for a couple of minutes just now!!... but i DO want to jog... let see if i manage to do it tomorrow. some ppl suggested me to buy the work-out machines but i guess it's wayyyy to expensive. i wont spend 300-500 just for a machine that i am not sure if i would use it for a long time. knowing me, who is usually bersemangat only for a few days.. 

my aim this month : lose 2 kg and above
the calorie my body needs : 1865.4 (calculation -

hmmm.....anyway, i had breakfast at 10 (not 7.30 as i normally did)... i would say it was 'brunch' anyway coz i didnt have lunch.. i had rice, with some paru and ayam kicap. dont want it to be too drastic for me. and i had iced nescafe to keep me awake... heheh i beli some jambu and coconut drink for my sort of 'tea'. for dinner, i might eat a slice of leftover pizza. i dont know how to count the calorie...can somebody help me with this??? the difference between before the prog and today?

last week : 
- breakfast at 7.30 (nasi lemak / fried rice with egg or chicken and some kueh)
- iced nescafe 
- lunch at 12.30 (rice, with chicken and vege and sambal and some kuah)                               
- some other drinks or snack in between meals
- dinner either fried rice again/bread/maggi

today         : 
- breakfast + lunch at 10 (rice with paru and chicken)
- iced nescafe
-some fruits and coconut drink
- a slice of leftover pizza

pls tell me there's a difference
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